Saturday, 6 November 2010

king of the sillies

'don't be silly.' she says, laughing. 'how silly am i, on the scale of one to silly?' 'you are about Half- much Silly. if Not Silly is five, you are a ten.' 'i see. and what would i have to do to graduate to fifteen: Very Silly Indeed? would i need clown shoes?' 'no. three things. you would have to wear funnier clothes all the time. you would have to walk on the ceiling, and you would have to stick lots of things on the roof.' 'oh' i think, 'i am not going to ever be Very Silly. i can't do those things. perhaps the clothes...' 'you could use the sink plunger.' ' for the ceiling? mm. i would need to buy a second one, if i wanted to move about. otherwise i would just be hanging there.' 'yes. and a million bags of Super Glue. for sticking.' 'a million? now, where will i store all these? how many tubes to a bag- oh, i think You are more than Half- much Silly. i think you are a twelve.' she is indignant: 'i am not.' 'hang off the ceiling with a plunger, she says, buy millions of bags of glue, she says.' she thinks. 'i will agree to be Half- much silly. the Same as you.' 'deal. shake.' ' anyway' (whispers) 'he is much sillier than us, King Silly Silly Silly, of Sillyness.' 'yes.' 'don't worry, though, he can't hear us.'

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