Thursday, 9 December 2010


There is a point, in Through the Looking Glass, where one senses Carroll could throw Anything at Alice, (Eggs in Cravats, Pig-Babies, Terrible Verse) and she would shrug and start texting her Homies about Flashmobbing  Prescott's next Public Faux-Pas armed with flamingos and placards written in white paint, no red paint, no, white. Well, that's the Electorate of This Country now. I must have read 5 Articles in the last week or so, where the Grown-Ups shake their heads sadly at the Raggle-Taggle Student Protesters Turning Up day after day to express their Outrage over the Attacks on their Future. It IS Silly that they keep Banging on about Cuts and Unfairness, when it's All Sorted Out now, and the Poor and Vulnerable are no longer getting a Total Screwing in the Finger in the Dam Budget.  Sorry? It's not 'fixed'? It's Still a Daily Sicking Up of  Ill-Judged  Bullying informed by Dismissive Class Ignorance and Revulsion For Weakness or Need? Shall i explain exactly how successful my 'Tidy Your Room or there's No Pocket Money until You Do' Clamp Down has been? Put it this way, Doc has no need to look elsewhere for power for the Dolorean. Ever. But the same approach is Definitely going to work with Heroin Addicts because they're a much more Persuasive, Soft-Living Crowd. If it rains, you put your umbrella and mutter a bit. If it pours, you Pile Invective on the Weather Reporters for telling you to buy a Barbeque and then expecting you to turn it into a Houseboat at the last minute. Well, this is the Flood, this is Endless, Sickening, Stomach Turning Waves of Edicts and Proclamations bent on washing away the NHS, the Social Welfare System, and the Precept of Equal Expectation Education. And you've picked up an Egg Cup to start Bailing Out and put it down again, because you're overwhelmed. Your Only Hope now is fetch your best Helena Bonham-Carter Dressing up Clothes, dust off your DMs and Join the Kids. Or you may as well start filling your pockets with stones.

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