It is a sad fact that above a certain level of income that it becomes difficult to disentangle Need from Want. Well, not that hard, actually, unless you spend all your time reading Hello and weeping because now Katona is off the Happy Powder AGAIN they should really have her back behind that Iceland Prawn Ring where she belongs . Here's one for inclusion in the Rewriting of a Bill of Rights: carpets. Let's add carpets to Our List of things we write on our placards or e-mail to our Mps or just Weep Over as we watch Rolling News and reflect on how Shit it all is. Because, apparently, below a certain income, a covering over concrete is one of those things you can do without. Like Coats, and Cookers, and a Standard of Living that allows a Scrap of Dignity. A State-Funded Beanfest for the Dynastically Inbred, or the means to provide cooked food for families in Emergency Housing? Shall we Toss a Commemorative Coin?
It's the All-Round Joined Up Thinking, i admire: cut jobs, so there are more unemployed; cut benefits for these people so that they find themselves on even lower incomes; cut funding to relief organizations so there is less emergency assistance; raise rents so more people are made homeless; hike up VAT so the safety net that remains has great big holes in it; and divvy up the NHS in a Piecemeal and Random fashion so that when every one in the Shanty Towns gets sick no one at the sharp end knows what they're doing or how to pay for it.
Did i miss anything out? Probably. Since its inception this Government has been frantically hurling policies off the Top of Its Ivory Tower while the Electorate affected cowers below with only Ed Miliband and his rhetorical pea-shooter for protection. Is there some one in the Coalition whose Actual Designated Post it is to stand over ideas like this, whacking Common Sense and Decency into the stratosphere with a Polo Mallet? Is it George Osborne? It's Time For Action. Fetch me a Sleeping Bag, a flask of Hot Squash and Annie Lennox's Union Jack Dress (i want to blend in). i have had an idea of where i can come by some carpet.
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